Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Association

Location Type: Wu's Style Tai Chi Chuan Academy
Chief Instructor:  Sifu Goon Ark Leau 阮德連
Photo of Chief Instructor : 

Location: Singapore Jian Chuan Tai Chi Chuan Physical Culture Association - Academy

Address : 28-C Hong Kong Street

City: Singapore

Country: Singapore

Contact: Email :


Certified Level: Advanced Level


Click HERE for class schedule


Click HERE for club mapquest directions


Our Association holds classes at our Head Quarters: 114 Lavender Street CT Hub 2, #05-55, 338729.

Enquiries please contact Tel: 96345137 or Email:



Tuesday : Ong Pang Eng/Yap Seok Bee/Poh Mui Hoon email:

Wednesday : Low Keng Han 96345137/ Wong Kok Weng 97333062

Thursday : Heah Choon Gek/Seah Kuan Liang

Saturday : Goon Ark Leau 92380031


For more information on the Learning Center's Instructor or Disciples, go to the Menu Bar: Our Federation to see the lists of Certified Instructors and Disciples.