Patrick Kuo




I grew up watching Wuxia and have always been fascinated with the Martial Arts. I trained a few years in Taekwon-Do (Taekwondo) and Aikido but stopped after University.

After a few years of a sedentary lifestyle, I was out of shape and medically unhealthy. I started Tai Chi because of its health benefits and martial tradition. For me, the few years since training in Tai Chi was life-changing and a life-saver.

Name:  Patrick Kuo
City: Markham
Province/State: Ontario
Country:  Canada
Contact: Email:
Disciple of: Grandmaster Eddie Wu Kwong Yu
Disciple ship date: September 2014
Discipleship school:  Wu's Tai Chi Chuan Academy, Toronto, Canada
Disciple status: Non teaching disciple
Profession: I.T.