Rahul Suryadevara

Born and brought up in India, moved to USA in 1999. Oriental culture interested

and impressed me a lot. Tai-chi attracted me due to its meditative continuous

motion with hidden explosive power, which I think more closure to the Mother

Nature. Joined Sifu John’s class in 2007 to explore Tai-Chi.  Impressed by Sifu

John’s kindness, amicable nature and patience which is contrary to many portrayals

of strict essentric oriental teachers.  Very impressed by Late, Sifu Steve’s orientation

 towards life and integral role for Tai-Chi in common day to day life. I am also trained

 by brother Jan and Sifu Mike on Sabre form. Tai-Chi practice is now part of my life.

Still feel I am a novice in the vast realm of Tai-Chi practice.





Name: Rahul Suryadevara
City: Rochester Hills
Province/State: Michigan
Country: USA
Contact: Email: svrahul@yahoo.com
Disciple of: John Marchewitz
Discipleship year: 2007
Discipleship Country: USA
School: Michigan Tai Chi Chuan Institute
Disciple status: Non Teaching Disciple
Profession: Engineering