Andy Moskowitz

I started my journey in the Wu family tradition of Tai Chi Chuan in 2018 with Sifu Larry Hawkins.

Since then under his tutelage I have learned the 12, 54 and 108  hand forms, sabre, sword, and short and long spear forms  as well as basic  push hands drills, Nine-Palace, Da-Lu, and  various chi kung exercises.

I became a disciple of Sifu Hawkins in 2023. I hope to continue drinking from the endless well that is this art, and pass on that knowledge to others

Name: Andy Moskowitz
City: Washington
State: D.C.
Country: USA
Contact Email:
Disciple of: Sifu Larry Hawkins
Discipleship year: 2023
Certification date: August 15, 2024
Certification Level of subject: Intermediate Level
Certification School: Wu’s Tai Chi Chuan Academy, Washington